Today we are going to learn to make a Flash Card, Mindmaps and an interacttive Poster to learn key concepts with CLIL and multilingualism. So funny!
To make this activity, we can use diferent web platforms as: Cram, Quizlet, StudyBlue or Canva (to Flash cards); Whisemapping, Mindmeister, Bubbl.us or Mind42 (to Mindmaps) and Thinglink, Glogster, PiktoChart or Padlet (to Interactive Posters).
We just need a computer or smartphone with internet access and with video editing.
I used the following apps: Canva to make the Flash Cards, Mindmeister for the mindmaps and Padlet for the interactive posters. They are really easy to use and We can learn a lot.


Thanks to
these apps we can create fantastic content to kids to learn all kinds of
vocabulary. I hope that
when you use these apps, you will like and enjoy them.
See you in the next class!

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